👋 Overview

Our mission is to make financial data accessible and delightful for developers.

We provide a simple REST API, which delivers premium stock market data, including:

  • Income statements
  • Balance sheets
  • Cash Flow statements
  • Prices
  • SEC filings
  • Insider transactions

We have data for 30,000+ public companies, going back 30+ years.

Our data is perfect for building AI financial agents, portfolio management tools, stock analysis platforms, quantitative trading algorithms, and more.

You are welcome to save any data that you receive from our API. Our platform is built by developers for developers.

🚀 Getting Started

Please create an account and grab your API key at financialdatasets.ai.

You will use the API key to authenticate your requests. The full list of available tickers is here.

For testing purposes, data for the following tickers is free: AAPL, GOOGL, MSFT, NVDA, TSLA.

There are only 3 steps for making a successful API call:

  1. Add your API key to the header of the request as X-API-KEY.
  2. Add query params like ticker, period and limit to filter the data.
  3. Execute the API request.

💻 Examples


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We love developer feedback ❤️