👋 Overview

We are on a mission to make financial data delightful for developers.

Our API is designed for AI financial agents, portfolio management tools, stock analysis platforms, quantitative trading algorithms, and more.

We provide a simple REST API, which delivers premium stock market data, including:

  • Financial statements
  • Stock prices
  • Segmented financials
  • Insider trades
  • Institutional ownership
  • SEC filings
  • Market news
  • Crypto prices
  • and more!

We have data for 30,000+ tickers, going back 30+ years.

Our platform is built by developers for developers ❤️

🚀 Getting Started

Please create an account and grab your API key at financialdatasets.ai.

You will use the API key to authenticate your requests.

There are only 3 steps for making a successful API call:

  1. Add your API key to the header of the request as X-API-KEY.
  2. Add query params like ticker, period and limit to filter the data.
  3. Execute the API request.

💻 Examples

import requests

# add your API key to the headers
headers = {
    "X-API-KEY": "your_api_key_here"

# set your query params
ticker = 'NVDA'     # stock ticker
period = 'ttm'      # possible values are 'annual', 'quarterly', or 'ttm'
limit = 30          # number of statements to return

# create the URL
url = (

# make API request
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

# parse income_statements from the response
income_statements = response.json().get('income_statements')

🗣️ Feedback

Please join our Discord community, hang out, and tell us how we can improve.

We love developer feedback ❤️